ESIC Medical College, Gulbarga



            ESIC started its first Medical College in Bangalore in the year 2012 which had already PG courses since 2009. Subsequently ESI Corporation started Medical College in Chennai, Joka and in Gulbarga in the year 2013.

ESIC Complex:

            The ESIC Complex, Gulbarga, was inaugurated on 01.02.2014 by Mrs. Sonia Gandhi then UPA Chairperson. It is constructed in 50.26 acres located in Gulbarga University Campus, which is polygonal in shape.  It houses Medical College, Hospital, Dental College & Nursing College. Which also includes world class auditorium, PRB Building, Hostels , residential quarters, community centre  & playground .


Medical College:

            The ESIC Medical College is a state of art building. It is started with 100 admissions in the year 2013-14. Now already 7 batches of 100 students, 3 batches of 125 students and currently one batch of 150 students  have been admitted. With 150 UG admissions every year affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Bangalore, and Karnataka.

            The ESIC Medical College had achieved a new mile stone of becoming a PG institute from year 2021. It is started with admission of 4 PG Students in Community Medicine and # PG Students in ENT, in the year 2023 additional 6 PG Students in General Medicine, 05 Each in General Surgery & Aneasthesia, 4 PG Students Each in Dept. of Biochemistry, Microbiology and OBG, 3 PG Students in Peadiatrics, 2 PG Students in Opthalmology have been Admitted. For the year 2024-25, additional 4 new Department got Permission from NMC to start PG Courses ( Pathology-6, Orthopeadics-5, Physiology-5 & Anatomy-5)

            There are 6 museums in the medical college with adequate number of specimens, models and charts. There are 05 Centrally air conditioned gallery type lecture halls with all modern facilities to teach UG students .  The central library located in the ground floor equipped with modern kind of facilities like e-library, HELINET, audio visual aids and more than 5000 books for reference for students and faculties.

            Pre and Para clinical departments are located in the Medical College with practical halls as per the guidelines prescribed by MCI. The Medical Education Unit is well established with all facilities to train faculties and students. It regularly conducts scientific research study, seminars and CME’s.


            The ESIC Hospital is unique in providing services to both IP’s and Non-IP’s of Hyderabad Karnataka region. The hospital was started from 1st February 2016. It is 500 bedded state of art Hospital with built up area of 89579.38 sq mtrs. All the wards and OPD’s are housed in the hospital spread in 10 floors. It caters Emergency services like Intensive care/ critical care services (casualty) and well equipped for treating trauma & emergencies.

            The hospital has got 04 International Standards modular type OT’s and 06 are Indian Type. They are all well equipped and major surgeries like Knee Replacement, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Microscopic ear surgery, Hysterectomy, Laprotomy etc.. are regularly carried out ( list of major surgeries and minor surgeries Annexure-I).

            The hospital provides emergency services like Casualty, ICU, MICU, NICU & SICU with 05 beds each and all kinds of emergencies are handled.  The hospital has centralized lab facility equipped with all kinds of modern facilities and investigations from Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology units are carried out 24 x 7 Hrs.  Radiology Dept is well equipped with 16 slice CT scan, 02 Ultra Sound Machines and 06 X-Ray machines. On an average 700 per day investigations are done. (List of investigations are Annexure-II). Centralized Pharmacy facility is available. The hospital has IPD facilities and all specialty OPD facilities like General Medicine, General, Surgery, OBG, Pediatrics, Ophthalmology, ENT, Orthopedics, Skin and VD, Psychiatry, Radiology and Anesthesia. (List of all the major equipments available Annexure-III). This hospital is unique which caters both IP’s and Non-Ip’s. On an average 500 to 600 patients attend OPD per day. All patients are provided with hygienic and nutritious diet. Immunization programs are being carried out as per national immunization program by Dept. of Pediatrics. Regular camps are being organised at industries and nearby rural areas as part of Medical College mission project.


Dental College:

            Dental college is built up in total 22923 sq mtr & has seven floors, floors are divided through the department 02 clinical dept in each floor. ESIC Dental collge consist of following departments 01. Oral Medicine and Radiology 02. Oral Maxillo facial surgery 03. Prosthodontics and Maxillo facial prosthesis 04. Periodontics 05. Orthosdontics 06. Pedodontics 07. Conservative dentisryand endodontics 08.Public health dentistry 09.Oral Pathology.  Central courtyard with green landscape is provided to give peaceful & smoothening environment. Patients are restricted to the front block which contains OT’s & diagnostics clinics, faculty & seminar halls, left side contains administrative block right side with laboratory and back side lecture halls. Total 09 clinical departments are functioning with on average of 120 to 150 OPD’s per day and almost 40% of ESIC IP patients are benefited every day. College has well equipped modern porcelain and ceramic laboratory which provides cost effective dental prosthesis for the patients. Around 05 to 06 major maxillo facial trauma cases/major surgical cases are operated every month.  We also provide treatments like Root Canal Therapy, prosthodontic treatment including maxillo facial prosthesis and fixed prosthesis like crown and bridge treatment, major and minor periodontal surgical procedures and all esthetic dental procedures done. We have modern equipments like apex locator, endo-motor and RVG facility.

Shortly ESIC DC we are planning for Implants Treatment , Cleft Surgeries , and  Laser /Micro surgical treatment.

            College consists of 02 academic bathes of 1st BDS (50 Students) and 2nd  BDS ( 45 Students), 18 IP’s quota admitted in 2017 batch   and 23 students admitted under IP quota in 2018 batch. We are applied for 3rd year BDS course recognition for Dental Council of India. College Central library consists of total 781 books for 02 academic years.

Nursing College

Nursing college has been started from the year 2015-16 with admission of 40 students per year. The faculties are full and they are dedicated in giving good quality education to B.Sc nursing students.

Hostel : Separate facility is provided for Residents, Boys, Girls and Nurses.

Quarters: Type I to type VI (from group D to Dean) type I & II apartment for nursing orderly, type III for group C, type IV & V for faculty and type VI for Dean & Medical Superintendent.

A state of art centrally Air conditioned Amphitheatre with 2000 seating capacity is spread in 4 floors has a banquet hall, meeting hall, AV room and Green rooms.


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-07-03



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